Sunday, October 7, 2007

A Spiritual Deficit

A Spiritual Deficit

When viewed against the breadth and abyss of space, astronauts have offered that our planet resembles a blue marble. This incredible oasis we know as earth suspended in the void is our home. It is a living, breathing, thinking organism. It and we as a human species are experiencing an astonishing transformation, mutating before our very eyes. Some of the more graphic examples with humankind’s fingerprints on them are global warming and the ancillary consequences. Viewed from space we witness the devastation of our respiratory system, the decimation of the rain forests. The direct consequence is silting of the river deltas, choking and poisoning the marine habitats where life breeds, feeds and exists. A few short years ago, where lush jungle teeming with life stood, today there are expanses of the planet's skin cracked, sun-burnt, literally raped and destitute as a direct result of our heartless indifference. Beyond the soul’s comprehension is the distress, misery and suffering inflicted on our fellow humankind the product of thoughtless, senseless acts of violence and war in every country.

Sadly and more astounding are the invisible changes that we seem to ignore and stubbornly remain unconscious of. With the same inevitable consequences of the effects of the Chernobyl and Bhopal disasters, we’re becoming contaminated. We’re experiencing and ignore the abrasion and grinding down of our own Spirit, flirting with the unspeakable. With all the fury and devastation of Dean - a Category 5 hurricane, the carnage is numbing. We believe it when we see it - by then it’s far too late. Most of us are matter-of-factly living lives that are Spiritually bankrupt, what I know as “A Spiritual Deficit". We're not listening to what "Spirit" is telling us.

You and I become what we think about all day long. Everything that occurs on our world has thought as its antecedent. We are responsible for what we create and co-create in this world and we do so with our thoughts. If we think war - we see war; if we think peace - we see peace; if we think hate - we see hate; if we think love - we see love. Individually and collectively, we are either moving towards love and peace or away from it...

Thinking and focusing on “I want bigger and better” believing we never have enough of anything in our lives is a scarcity mentality which attracts more of the same. Each of us can think of moments in our lives when we were touched by the plight of another person and extended a thought and (perhaps) a hand in kindness. Each opportunity when we've done this, we've listened to our "Spirit" and added to our Spiritual surplus as it were. This is a very real notion. There is an absolute accurate accounting system in the Universe - we get back what we give. Focusing on the abundance you already have in your life and being truly grateful for everything you experience, attracts in kind. This thought perspective attracts more for everyone else as well. Why and how you may wonder? The Universe operates from the perspective of abundance not a deficit. If there's a deficit in our live, it's because we've attracted it there with our thinking.

To begin and replenish a Spiritual Deficit, one needs to make time and take a few moments each day to reconnect with their Source in the mind of the Creator. Some of you who read this may not be ready or comfortable with the notion of a traditional approach to this union as experienced and enjoyed through meditation. My desire and trust is that if you read just this far, something magical will begin to happen. You will begin the process of healing and replenishing your own and humanities Spiritual Deficit. As this begins to happen you will become happier, less agitated by the apparent chaos of daily life and more joyful. You’ll actually begin to experience first hand that living your life is actually part of your dharma and consequently part of your purpose in this lifetime. You'll also begin to see the effects of the changes in you manifest in the lives of those around you. Moments of anger become less and less as you chose instead to witness what is happening around you in the illusion we call our lives.

In a small yet very important way, if each of us chooses to contribute and participate doing what we can to move human kind forward we’ll see the earth restored. Most importantly and graphically we’ll see humankind transform evolving as a more intelligent species that takes responsibility for all of its actions and we'll experience a peace that surpasses all our current understanding. When you light a candle in a darkened room, you never diminish your own light when you share that light with another candle…



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